Parasha Poetry NASSO, Theft and Swearing Falsely; Repayment and Confession
©by Evelyn Haies, June 15, 2016
“Financial treachery toward a fellow Jew is tantamount to treachery against GOD HIMSELF, for HE defends the defenseless”
“The sin of swearing falsely blemishes the soul and…
effects not only the sinner himself but the entire nation.”
Imagine simple people doing simple things
Learning, earning, yearning for what their effort brings
Imagine working, achieving and meriting
And then the victim of coveting.
A righteous woman living in a world of sin and strife
Was told she would bear a heroic son to bring joy to her life
But there were to be stringencies
No hair cutting, drinking wine, leniencies.
With strength of body and mind
To the Philistines this son wasn’t kind
He was a Nazirite to fix the world
But was seduced and all unfurled.
Imagine regretting people professing guilt;
Confessing, repenting, damages rebuilt
Imagine atonement for the sake of HASHEM
So a renewed harmony is begotten.
Rectification was an action for restitution
And the simple people recaptured their upward direction
The pain of their losses and delusions were relieved;
With righteousness Gan Eden was to be re-achieved.
Abstinence was the manner demanded of Samson
And because of it he won
But when he succumbed to his seducer
To treachery, snakery, he did defer.
Delilah, the jealous, the liar, the thief
All their immoral antics bring grief
Going off the derech brings misery with disorder
HASHEM created a wonderful world when there is HIS law and order
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